Making a Memorable Brand for Your Startup: Do's and Don'ts

Startups face many challenges as they strive to carve out a niche in a competitive market. Creating a distinct identity that fosters trust is crucial for building a strong and memorable brand. However, branding goes beyond just a fancy logo—it’s the story you tell the world about your brand, including its mission, values, and unique value proposition.

Customers are more likely to remember and associate your brand with positive experiences when they feel an emotional connection to it. According to a survey, 52% of consumers worldwide are willing to pay a higher price for a brand with a strong and impressive image. In this post, I’ll cover the dos and don'ts of startup branding, along with key aspects of creating a memorable brand that truly resonates with your audience.

Let’s get started!

Dos of Startup Branding

Understanding the guidelines of startup branding can help you eliminate ineffective strategies and focus on what truly works. Here are some best practices to follow:

Define Your Brand Story and Narrative

Create a compelling brand story that answers, “Why does your startup exist beyond merely making a profit?” Your brand story tells prospective customers what your brand is all about, why you established it, and what it stands for. This helps them emotionally connect with your brand and creates a unique and distinct identity that sets you apart from competitors. Determine the core principles that drive your startup and guide your decisions. Focus on the value you provide and how it improves your customers’ lives.

TOMS, for example, is an iconic brand with a compelling brand story. It is renowned for its "One for One" business model, introduced in 2006. As part of this initiative, TOMS donated a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair sold. Even today, the company donates a third of its profits to the community.

Image via TOMS

This strategy has helped TOMS build a positive image by showing its commitment to giving back to the community. Consumers who share these values are more likely to support the brand and make purchases. That’s the power of telling your story and creating emotional connections with your customers.

Create a Memorable Visual Brand Identity

Your visual brand identity includes your logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and design. It’s what potential customers first see when they interact with your brand, and it influences whether they remember or forget you. Nike’s swoosh logo, for example, is one of the most recognizable logos globally. The company also uses a simple black-and-white color palette across various platforms to reinforce its brand identity.

Image via Instagram

Image via Nike

What does this tell you?

There is power in visual storytelling, and you must use it to create a strong and lasting first impression. Design a unique and memorable logo, choose colors that evoke the right emotions, and maintain consistency across all customer touchpoints.

Research Your Target Audience

It’s challenging to build an unforgettable brand if you don't know who you’re targeting in the first place. Your branding strategies rely heavily on researching and understanding your target audience’s demographics, preferences, pain points, and behavior. When your potential customers feel understood, they are more likely to connect with your brand on an emotional level.

Dove, a personal care brand, launched its "Real Beauty" campaign to challenge traditional beauty standards and celebrate natural beauty. This resonated deeply with women who felt insecure due to unrealistic beauty standards. Since women are the brand’s key audience, this strategy was spot on.

Image via Dove

Image via Dove

Build Brand Awareness and Connections

Cultivating brand recognition is about creating a strong and memorable image that resonates with your audience. Don’t overwhelm them with promotional messages. Instead, provide valuable and informative content that educates, entertains, or solves their problems.

The digital marketing agency Attrock suggests that creating informative blog posts or videos can boost brand awareness and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. Actively engage with your audience on social media, share user-generated content, and build an online community.

Airbnb excels at building its brand identity. The Airbnb Host Forum is exclusively designed for hosts connected to this online marketplace for vacation accommodations. Here, hosts can interact with Airbnb’s support team to enhance their services and grow. They can also connect with other hosts and build a community. These exclusive benefits naturally attract more hosts, helping to expand Airbnb’s network.

Image via Airbnb

Maintain Consistency Across all Touchpoints

When your potential customers repeatedly experience consistent messaging, visuals, colors, and tone, your brand will likely stick in their minds. However, using different tones or colors across various channels is likely to confuse them.

Consistent branding creates an unforgettable brand experience, builds customer trust, and differentiates your brand from competitors. Use the right content marketing tools to maintain a uniform tone for all brand communications. Also, make sure you have a brand-specific color palette that you use for all visual content.

Coca-Cola, for example, has created a brand that is instantly recognizable for its distinctive and consistent red color, classic logo, and font. The company also maintains a consistent messaging that associates it with refreshment and happiness.

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Image via Instagram

Don'ts: Startup Branding Pitfalls to Avoid

Here are some branding mistakes to avoid as a new startup owner.

Overlook Quality

First on the list of dos and don'ts of startup branding is overlooking the quality of your product or content. This can tarnish your brand’s reputation before it even finds its footing.


Consumers are wary of new businesses, and the slightest hint of unreliability, inconsistency, or subpar quality can erode trust and credibility. 

So, invest in professional branding services and high-quality digital marketing assets that reflect your organization’s credibility, value, and integrity. 

Patagonia, an outdoor apparel and gear company, emphasizes quality through its sustainable products, consistent messaging, and clean visuals. See how its messaging focuses on quality and sustainability.

Image via Patagonia

Image via Patagonia

Copy Your Competitors

Why should customers choose your company when it looks and feels like every other brand in your industry? You must give them a reason to choose your business over others.

Instead of copying your competitor’s identity, create one that reflects your unique values, mission, and personality. Integrating a well-designed client portal can show that your customers’ concerns and needs come first, differentiating your brand from other competing businesses. 

Apple has consistently stood out from its competitors through innovative product designs. The Apple watch, when first introduced, took the world by storm. None of the competitors were offering the smart features that Apple offers years ago. And even today, the other smart watch brands are catching up as the latest addition claims to be far superior.

Image via Apple

Focus Solely on Aesthetics

While an appealing logo or website can grab your customers’ attention, it’s the product quality that fosters customer trust and loyalty. 

If your brand looks modern and appealing, customers expect a product that matches the aesthetics. So, if you present a low-quality product, you shatter their trust and ruin your brand’s reputation.

Focus on product features and functionalities that enhance the overall user experience and solve real problems. You can also embed Google reviews on your website to reinforce brand trust and provide social proof.

Here’s an example of how Marima Hotel & Resort displays positive Google Reviews to encourage potential customers to secure a booking.

Image via Taggbox

Be Generic

As a startup competing against established brands, being generic puts you at risk of getting lost amid the noise. Why? There’s nothing unique to grab customers’ attention or set your business apart from competitors.

Differentiating your brand can boost brand awareness, capture your audience’s attention, and leave a lasting impression. 

For instance, Tesla’s commitment to innovation, cutting-edge technology, and environmental sustainability sets it apart from other automobile companies. This reflects in all of its website or marketing content.

Image via Tesla

Image via Tesla

So, identify your company’s unique strengths and align them with your audience’s specific needs to create a distinct brand identity.

Rush the Process

Developing your brand in a hurry results in a shallow understanding of your target audience, unique selling proposition (USP), and core values. Without these, your messaging, logo, and marketing materials will be generic, making your brand less memorable.

What’s more, rushing the process can lead to inconsistencies across various touchpoints and confuse your customers.

Take time to research and understand your target audience, competitors, and industry. Additionally, work with professional designers to develop visually appealing brand assets.

Brand-building is a long-term process, which sometimes takes years, so don’t try to do it all with one campaign.


Creating a memorable brand for your startup requires a strategic approach, creativity, and attention to detail. With the dos and don'ts of startup branding outlined in this article, you can confidently establish a unique identity for your startup that resonates with your target audience.

Embrace feedback, adapt to changing market trends, and nurture your brand to become a powerful force in your industry. Go ahead and take that leap and watch your business soar to new heights.

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Reena Aggarwal

Reena is Director of Operations and Sales at Attrock, a result-driven digital marketing company. With 10+ years of sales and operations experience in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing, she is quite an industry expert. She is a people person and considers the human resources as the most valuable asset of a company. In her free time, you would find her spending quality time with her brilliant, almost teenage daughter and watching her grow in this digital, fast-paced era.