Marketing managers have a lot of things on their plate - strategizing, creating content, and managing campaigns. Here's how you can run campaigns more efficiently using Google add-ons.
Just as self-driving cars could fundamentally re-architect the way cities work, drones have a disruptive potential that’s hard to overstate. Here's our view on how drones will change the future of technology.
In this article, you’ll learn:
* 1) Password strength monitoring
* 2) 2-step verification
* 3) Restrict third-party apps access
* 4) Limit external sharing
* 5) Early phishing detection
* 6) Advanced Security Center
* 7) Mobile device
Unfortunately, few content creators and marketing management take copyright infringement into account when searching for visuals to include in their work. In this post, we will take a closer look at copyright and share tips to help you stay legally compliant.
Over the last couple of years, more teams migrate to Google Workspace. Here's how these tools can help your employees be more productive.