Just look around: From sunrise to sunset, we’re all plugged into the digital age with software.
Whether it’s jumping into a client meeting via Zoom or Google Meet, clarifying doubts and
Company’s name: HeroWear
Founded: 2020
Headquarters: Nashville, TN, US
HeroWear is pushing us toward the futuristic world we see in movies. They design exoskeletons for everyday workers who lift heavy loads, giving
According to Energy & Matter, using branded materials consistently can boost business awareness by 3-4 times and increase revenue by an average of 23%. This means that all elements of your company'
"Capybara among alligators"—that's what Anton, our Head of Marketing, said when we started brainstorming how to showcase our new AI visual search feature. But what does a capybara
The average smartphone user snaps around 3,000 photos a year. According to PhotoAid statistics, people spend about 65% of their time searching for the right shots amidst a chaotic mess of files.