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Pics.io Customer Stories: Espresso Displays

Company’s name: Espresso Displays

Founded: 2018

Headquarters: Australia

Meet Espresso Displays, the makers of the world’s thinnest and most portable touchscreen monitors. These ultra-light, compact screens are perfect for professionals who need a flexible, on-the-go workspace. With vibrant high-definition displays and full-touch capabilities (even on Mac), they make tasks like note-taking, sketching, and editing documents easy and intuitive.

Espresso also offers accessories like the espressoPen for precise input and the MountGo stand for added flexibility. Their software, espressoFlow and Jot, further streamline workflows and enhance creativity.

Recently, the team at Espresso Displays integrated Pics.io into their daily operations. We caught up with Dom O’Brien, Head of Marketing, to learn how Pics.io has transformed the way they work.

  • To start things off, we'd love to hear more about your company and product.

Espresso Displays is an Australian-based company, and we're located in Sydney. We sell portable touchscreen monitors—the world's thinnest portable displays. They're super portable and lightweight, so you can throw one in your bag and set up a full workspace to work from wherever you are. Currently, we offer a 13-inch, a 15-inch, and a 17-inch 4K model.

  • What’s your role at Espresso Displays, and how long have you been working with the team?

I’ve been with Espresso for about 18 months now. My role as Head of Marketing involves overseeing a lot of content creation, campaigns, and external communications for the company. We are a small team and everyone wears many hats so my role is very hands on.

  • Before using Pics.io, what challenges were you facing? Did Pics.io help solve those?

When I started, our team was small, and we had a lot of legacy file systems. Files were saved in different places, using different naming conventions, and sometimes even in personal folders. It was hard to find what we needed. We realized we needed a system that allowed us to easily search, tag, and share our content externally. That’s when we turned to Pics.io to help migrate our old content and streamline our workflows.

  • What does your workflow look like now that you've started using Pics.io?

With Pics.io, our workflow has become more organized. For example, our content creator, Jay, will upload a video, submit it for feedback, and after revisions, we store the final version in Pics.io. From there, we can easily share it with external partners using Pics.io’s share features. We’ve also created websites for our partners, where they can access up-to-date content without having to go back and forth over email.

  • What kinds of files are you managing with Pics.io? Are they for social media, your website, print materials, or something else?

We manage a variety of digital assets, including video, static imagery, and print assets like PDFs and spec sheets. These are used across social media, our website, and external partners. Pics.io helps us store and organize everything in one place.

  • Which teams or departments at your company are using Pics.io? And how many people in total?

We have about eight people who regularly access Pics.io, with four or five of us being the main users. This includes our content creator, graphic designer, web designer, myself, and our PR and comms team. Our external retail partners also use Pics.io to access assets which are always kept up to date.

  • Do you work with any freelancers or contractors? How do you collaborate with them using Pics.io—like tagging them in assets or something similar?

Yes, we work with a few freelancers globally, including a video editor and a graphic designer. We upload the content and footage into Pics.io for them, and they download it, complete their work, and upload drafts for feedback. The platform makes collaboration easy.

Andrew Jetter

"The biggest benefit is the ability to store, categorize, and quickly find what we need. With Pics.io’s tagging and search functions, we can access assets instantly and share them easily with external partners.."

Dom, Head of Marketing at Espresso Displays
  • Are you using Pics.io’s website features? How many sites do you manage, and how do you use them?

We use Pics.io’s website features extensively. We manage around eight to ten partner websites, which we use to share content with external partners like JB Hi-Fi in Australia, WeWork globally and Delta Airlines in the USA. It’s great because they know there’s just one place to go to find the assets they need, and we can easily update content when necessary.

  • What are the biggest benefits you've found from using a DAM system like Pics.io?

The biggest benefit is the ability to store, categorize, and quickly find what we need. In the past, everything was buried in files and random naming conventions. Now, with Pics.io’s tagging and search functions, we can access assets instantly and share them easily with external partners.

  • Can you give us a rough idea of how much time Pics.io saves you, either weekly or monthly?

Pics.io probably saves me a couple of hours each month. More than that, it helps me find files I didn’t even know existed. With Pics.io, I can search, tag, and locate files easily, unlike digging through a Google Drive folder and getting lost.

  • Do you use any integrations, like with Adobe products?

We’ve used the Slack integration for updates, but as a small, fast-moving team, we don’t use too many other integrations. The ones we’ve played around with have been powerful, though.

  • This might sound like a simple question, but do you have a favorite feature in Pics.io?

My favorite feature is definitely the website functionality. I can easily create a website for external partners, drag and drop images, and share a custom link. It’s a massive time saver, and I know the content is always up to date for our partners.

Andrew Jetter

"My favorite feature is definitely the website functionality. I can easily create a website for external partners, drag and drop images, and share a custom link. It’s a massive time saver."

Dom, Head of Marketing at Espresso Displays
  • Finally, we’d love to hear your honest feedback on Pics.io. What do you like, what don’t you like, and where do you think we could improve?

Pics.io is a great product. It’s fast, intuitive, and handles different file formats well. The support is also fantastic—super responsive and always helpful. In terms of improvements, I’d like to see some more design options for external websites and maybe a more customizable tagging system. But overall, Pics.io has been a lifesaver for us and has helped us stay organized and efficient.

Did you enjoy this interview? Give Pics.io a try! — Or book a demo with us, and we'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

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