Updated February 2021
Google Workspace is one of the most convenient ways to manage teams out there. According to statistics, there are over 2 billion people worldwide relying on the platform.
At Pics.io, we love Google Workspace. Our team uses the corporate account to store and share files and make sure everyone has instant access to the latest updates. Having said that, we can’t help but notice how limited Google’s toolset is when it comes to file management. Finding the right folder on Google Workspace is time-consuming and confusing - that’s where digital asset management add-ons come into play.
In this post, we will take a closer look at the benefits of integrating DAM and Google Workspace and offer a step-by-step guide to connecting your Google Account to Pics.io’s add-on.
3 Benefits of Integrating Pics.io DAM into Google Workspace
Whether you are a business owner, creator, or marketing manager, chances are you open and save dozens of files every day. Tracking edits, sharing assets with the team, and making sure nothing is lost isn’t easy if there’s no infrastructure to support your day-to-day efforts.
The good news is, you don’t have to give up Google Workspace to get more navigation and feedback tools. Here’s how adding a digital management system add-on to Google Suite helps teams streamline processes and reach peak performance.
1. You don’t have to change Google Workspace for a different tool
Most digital asset management tools come with proprietary storage. Thus, team managers will have to choose between sticking with a familiar tool (although limited) or taking a ton of time to migrate all files and learn how to use a new platform.
With Pics.io, you don’t face the dilemma anymore. Rather than having to drag the entire team through a time-consuming file migration process, worry about the security of your new storage, or fear vendor lock.
The add-on works on top of Google Drive, allowing business owners to upload files via Google Workspace and view them in Pics.io or vice versa. All security and file migration concerns are off your plate. Isn’t it awesome? Our clients surely think so!
What we really like about Pics.io is that it allows you to build everything off your Google Drive. It’s really great as we’re already paying for Google Drive to store all our files in the cloud, so it seems kind of silly to pay twice, right? With Pics.io you get the same unlimited storage for the same effective price!"
Ross Cromartie | President | RocketBrand
2. DAM in Your Google Workspace Tab
Having to switch between Google Workspace and the digital asset management platform to upload and manage files might be inconvenient. Having all the tools needed to find and share files right in the Google Workspace tab is much more comfortable.
Here’s how team managers use Pics.io to organize a digital file library:
- Add metadata to files and look for assets using keywords.
- Create an easy-to-navigate file structure by grouping assets in folders and collections.
- Store linked assets together to not clutter your Google Workspace storage.
3. Leave comments, track changes, and monitor performance
Google Workspace does a great job of providing teams with a single source of truth - however, it’s not flexible when it comes to tracking changes and commenting on visual assets. Integrating Google’s ecosystem with Pics.io expands the range of team management opportunities for creators - marketers, designers, photographers, and videographers.
Here’s how Pics.io helps team managers monitor performance and track changes:
- Tag teammates and assign tasks directly to avoid work duplication.
- Leave timestamp markers on video clips to make precise, easy-to-understand edits and speed up feedback loops.
- Stay in charge of your team’s performance by seeing all the changes teammates make in the Audit Trail.
- Add clients and third-party creators (freelance designers and photographers) to the team or use link-based file sharing to let others view the edits you make via the add-on.
- Get Slack or email notification whenever there’s a new edit or a comment.
Pics.io For Google Slides
Integrating Pics.io with Google Slide helps team managers cut the amount of time they need to create an awesome presentation by huge numbers. Here’s how you can use the add-on to streamline your team’s efficiency using Google Slides.
- Quickly find a logo or other brand identity elements without leaving the Slides tab.
- Search for your assets using Pics.io advanced search and tree of collections.
- Make edits and share files with teammates via the DAM platform - everyone will get a notification about an edit via email and Slack.
- Monitor changes by opening the Audit Trail tab directly in Google Slides.
Pics.io For Google Docs
Google Docs is a powerful standalone solution - however, a digital asset management integration will make the platform even more functional. Here’s how integrating Google Docs with Pics.io will streamline your team’s day-to-day work.
- Find needed documents without having to memorize file names using keywords, your collections, and Pics.io advanced search.
- Create an easy-to-navigate document library to know exactly where each file on the Google Workspace is stored.
- Add metadata to a new document to brief your teammates on file settings and important details.
- Craft branded document templates and then save them back to your Pics.io DAM.
Pics.io for Google Forms
Google Forms are a great way to connect with customers or get in touch with prospective leads. That’s why business owners need to go the extra mile to create a good-looking survey. Here’s how creating a shortcut between Pics.io and Google Forms will help you improve the efficiency of sales and marketing efforts.
- Save time by not having to browse through the entire file library when adding images to a new form. Type a tag or a keyword instead, and the asset you are looking for will pop up on its own.
- Find your assets easily also by using Pics.io advanced search and your tree of collections.
- Tag teammates in seconds and let them know if they need to comment on the form or add new visuals to it.
- See the full version history of all files you want to add to a Google Form.
Pics.io for Google Sheets
Whether you are a part of a team or running a business on your own, it’s helpful to know how to organize and manipulate large data volumes. Our team relies on Google Sheets to present the insights in easy to use spreadsheets, track performance, and build development strategies.
In our experience, digital asset management tools are highly useful when working with spreadsheets. Here’s what they allow teams to accomplish:
- Add images to spreadsheets to save time.
- View metadata of all files in your library in one click.
- Design your branded spreadsheet and save them back to Pics.io.
- Share files in one click with teammates and third-party collaborators.
Pics.io DAM Add-on vs. Plain Google Workspace
When we talk to business owners and describe the benefits of digital asset management, a lot of them wonder - how a single add-on can make a lot of difference when it comes to organizing files?
To help you understand why extending the functionality of Google Workspace with Pics.io is a worthwhile choice, we compare the functionality of standard Google Workspace versus that of the add-on.
Limited file support. Google Workspace doesn’t allow marketers and designers to work with a wide range of files - you will not be able to open Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign visuals. | Supports all popular file types, including Adobe Creative Cloud files, Sketch, and many more. |
No metadata support - Google Workspace doesn’t allow teams to add detailed file descriptions and create custom metadata fields. | Pics.io add-on helps ensure every team member has detailed metadata at the hand’s reach. The tool supports and automatically generates custom metadata fields. |
No keywords. The only way to find files via Google Workspace is by entering asset names in the search tab. | Pics.io generates AI-based keywords automatically by analyzing the contents of images and videos. Other than that, you can create custom keywords to freely navigate your library. |
Limited version history - Google Workspace doesn’t allow to track changes in visual files. Business owners have to clutter the storage and store assets separately. | Pics.io stores linked assets together - you will be able to view, compare, and comment on all files without cluttering the corporate storage. |
Low teamwork efficiency. Google Workspace has a limited set of performance-tracking tools. | Pics.io proofing templates make it easy to get feedback from clients or review designers’ work. These are fully customizable portfolio websites that are easy to manage and have a sleek look-and-feel. |
How to Install Pics.io Add-on For Google Workspace
Now that you understand how much difference integrating digital asset management to Google Workspace makes, let’s take a look at how you can integrate different Google Workspace tools with Pics.io.
- Go to the Google Workspace Marketplace.
- Type Pics.io and choose Pics.io
- Follow the Installation Instructions.
Note. There are separate Pics.io extensions for Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms. You can install these by following the same algorithm as the one above.
Congratulations! Now you will be able to leverage the full potential of digital asset management within your Google Workspace. Your file management will step it up a notch as soon as you add Pics.io to your Google Drive. Also, explore other features in DAM.
How did your business processes change after expanding the functionality of Google Workspace with DAM tools? Let us know about your stories on social media - we will feature your testimonials on our corporate page.
And in case, you're thinking about replacing Google Drive with another storage... Pics.io has recently released its own storage & become an all-in-one DAM solution. Give it a try!